Best Open-Source AI Image Generation Models Of 2024

AI image generation has come a long way in recent years. Creating high-quality images is both time-consuming and expensive. But now, with the latest open-source AI image generation models, anyone can create stunning images in a cost-effective way.

In this guide, we'll look at the top open-source AI image models you can use in 2024. We'll cover what makes each one special, how to use them, and tips for getting the best results. Let's dive in!

Comparing The Best Open-Source AI Image Generation Models Of 2024


Best For:

Standout Feature:


High-quality general-purpose images

Exceptional photorealism

Stable Diffusion

Versatile, community-supported generation

Huge ecosystem of resources


Precise control over image composition

Ability to use structural guides


Photorealistic images and text rendering

Iterative refinement process

Real Dream Pony V9

Stylized anime and cartoon art

Character design specialization


Selective image editing and enhancement

Seamless blending of edits

Colossus Lightning SDXL

High-quality image generation that’s easy to scale

Fast generation speed

7 Best Open Source AI Image Generation Models Of 2024

1. Flux.1 - Best For High-Quality General-Purpose Image Generation

Features And Specs:


Image Quality

Photorealistic, highly detailed

Clarity And Detail

Sharp textures, fine details preserved

Style And Variety

Versatile, handles many art styles

Speed And Efficiency

Fast inference, 5 seconds per image

Customization and Control

Extensive prompt options, style mixing

Launched in 2024, Flux.1 is the latest and one of the most powerful AI image generation models. It uses an advanced architecture called a latent diffusion model. This means it works by gradually adding detail to a low-resolution "sketch" of an image.

What sets Flux.1 apart is its massive training dataset comprising 12 billion parameters. It's seen billions of high-quality images paired with detailed text descriptions. This gives it an incredible understanding of visual concepts and how they relate to language.

Some of the most popular versions of Flux.1 include Flux.1 Pro, Flux.1 Dev, and Flux.1 Schnell, each better than Midjourney and DALLE3 models, especially when we compare image quality and details. Check out our guide on Flux.1 fine tuning best practices to learn more about Flux.1.

When you give Flux.1 a text prompt, it first creates a rough outline of the main elements. Then it refines this over multiple steps, adding more and more detail. The end result is often remarkably close to photorealistic. And what’s really impressive is that it generates high-quality images in just 4 steps, unlike other models that take up to 10-20 steps.


  1. Exceptional image quality - Flux.1 produces some of the most detailed and lifelike AI-generated images available. It's great for creating product mockups, concept art, or photorealistic scenes.
  2. Creative flexibility - The model understands a huge range of artistic styles. You can easily mix and match concepts to create unique visuals. Try combining "oil painting" with "cyberpunk city" for stunning results.
  3. Fast turnaround - Despite its high quality, Flux.1 is surprisingly quick. Most images generate in just a few seconds, perfect for rapid prototyping or brainstorming sessions.
  4. Fine-grained control - Advanced users can tweak settings like the noise schedule and sampling method. This lets you find the perfect balance between speed and quality for your needs.

Limitations And Considerations:

  1. Resource intensive - Flux.1 needs a powerful GPU to run smoothly. If you're using it locally, make sure you have at least 8GB of VRAM.
  2. Learning curve - While basic use is straightforward, mastering prompts takes practice. Spend time experimenting to get the best results.
  3. Potential biases - Like all AI models, Flux.1 can reflect biases present in its training data. Be mindful of this when generating images of people or sensitive topics.

✅ Choose If:

  • You need high-quality, photorealistic images.
  • You want to explore a wide range of artistic styles.
  • Fast generation speed is important.

❌ Don't Choose If:

  • You have limited computing resources.
  • You need guaranteed, pixel-perfect control.
  • Your use case requires 100% original, non-derivative art.

How To Get Started:

The easiest way to try Flux.1 is through Segmind's Serverless Cloud. We've optimized the model for fast, hassle-free use. Just sign up for an account, choose Flux.1 model versions from our model library, and start generating!

For more advanced users, you can also download the open-source code and run it locally. This gives you maximum control but requires more technical setup.

2. Stable Diffusion - Best For Versatile, Community-Supported Image Generation

Features And Specs:


Image Quality

Good to excellent, depending on version

Clarity And Detail

Strong overall, excels at certain styles

Style And Variety

Extremely flexible, huge community resources

Speed And Efficiency

Fast, 3 seconds per image

Customization and Control

Extensive, many fine-tuning options

Released back in 2022, Stable Diffusion is the model that began the current AI art revolution. It's an open-source project that's constantly evolving thanks to a massive community of developers and artists.

Now, Stable Diffusion uses a similar latent diffusion approach to Flux.1. The key difference is its focus on accessibility and customization. There are many versions of Stable Diffusion, each with slightly different strengths.

The basic workflow is simple: you provide a text prompt, and the model generates an image that matches it. But there's incredible depth if you want to dive in. You can use things like:

  • Negative prompts to specify what you don't want
  • Image-to-image generation to modify existing pictures
  • Inpainting to selectively change parts of an image


  1. Huge ecosystem - There's a wealth of resources, tutorials, and pre-trained models available. This makes it easy to find help or inspiration for any project.
  2. Endless customization - You can fine-tune Stable Diffusion on your own datasets to specialize in specific styles or subjects. This is great for creating consistent brand imagery.
  3. Active development - New features and improvements come out frequently. You're always working with cutting-edge technology.
  4. Cost-effective - Being open-source, you can run Stable Diffusion for free if you have the hardware. This makes it accessible for hobbyists and small businesses.

Limitations And Considerations:

  1. Version fragmentation - With so many variants, it can be confusing to choose the right one for your needs.
  2. Inconsistent results - Image quality can vary depending on your prompts and settings. It may take some trial and error to get consistent output.
  3. Ethical concerns - As with any AI model, be aware of potential copyright and fairness issues when generating images.

✅ Choose If:

  • You want a flexible, community-supported option.
  • You enjoy tinkering and customizing your workflow.
  • You need to generate a high volume of images.

❌ Don't Choose If:

  • You prefer a more streamlined, out-of-the-box solution.
  • Absolute consistency is critical for your use case.
  • You're uncomfortable with the setup requirements of open-source tools.

How To Get Started:

  1. For beginners, the best way to try Stable Diffusion is through Segmind. We offer easy-to-use interfaces for several popular Stable Diffusion versions like Stable Diffusion 2.1, Stable Diffusion XL 1.0, and more
  2. More advanced users can download the code from GitHub and run it locally. This gives you full control but requires some technical know-how.
  3. Explore community resources like the Stable Diffusion Discord for tips, model weights, and inspiration.

3. ControlNet - Best For Precise Control Over Image Generation

Features And Specs:


Image Quality

Varies based on base model

Clarity And Detail

Highly accurate to input controls

Style And Variety

Flexible, works with many base models

Speed And Efficiency

Slightly slower than base models

Customization and Control

Unparalleled precision

ControlNet isn't a standalone image generation model. Instead, it's a powerful add-on that works with other models like Stable Diffusion. It gives you incredible control over the structure and composition of your generated images.

The key idea behind ControlNet is using additional input alongside your text prompt. This can be things like:

  • Sketch outlines
  • Pose estimation data
  • Depth maps
  • Segmentation masks

ControlNet then ensures the generated image follows these structural guides. This lets you highlight the exact layout, pose, or perspective of your creation.


  1. Precision - You can generate images that match a specific vision or layout. This is invaluable for design work or illustrations that need to fit a certain composition.
  2. Consistency - ControlNet helps maintain structure across multiple generations. This is great for creating a cohesive series of images or animations.
  3. Creative freedom - By providing structure separately from style, you have more flexibility to experiment with different looks while keeping the core composition intact.
  4. Improved realism - For things like human poses or architectural designs, ControlNet helps ensure anatomical correctness and proper perspective.

Limitations And Considerations:

  1. Added complexity - Using ControlNet effectively requires preparing additional input images or data. This can slow down your workflow.
  2. Learning curve - Understanding how different types of control inputs affect the output takes practice.
  3. Potential for over-constraint - If you're not careful, ControlNet can sometimes lead to stiff or unnatural-looking results.

✅ Choose If:

  • You need precise control over image composition.
  • You're working on design projects with specific layout requirements.
  • You want to ensure anatomical correctness in figure drawings.

❌ Don't Choose If:

  • You prefer a more freeform, serendipitous creation process.
  • You don't have time to prepare detailed control inputs.
  • You're looking for the fastest possible image generation.

How To Get Started:

  1. Segmind offers ControlNet integration along with several of the models on the Serverless Cloud. This is a great way to experiment without complex setup. And if you do need a complex workflow setup, you can always check out Segmind’s powerful PixelFlow.
  2. For local use, you'll need to install ControlNet alongside a compatible base model like Stable Diffusion.
  3. Start with simple sketch inputs to get a feel for how ControlNet works. Then progress to more complex control types as you gain experience.

4. DeepFloydIF - Best For Photorealistic Images And Text Rendering

Features And Specs:


Image Quality

Extremely high, photorealistic

Clarity And Detail

Exceptional fine details

Style And Variety

Versatile, excels at realism

Speed And Efficiency

Slower than some, 15-30 seconds

Customization and Control

Advanced text and image editing

DeepFloydIF is a powerful AI model that pushes the boundaries of photorealism. It uses a technique called "iterative refinement" to create incredibly detailed images. This means it generates an image in stages, improving it bit by bit.

The model starts with a low-resolution image and gradually increases the quality. At each step, it adds more details and refines existing ones. This process allows DeepFloydIF to create images with stunning clarity.

One standout feature of DeepFloydIF is its ability to handle text in images. It can generate realistic-looking text on signs, book covers, or any other part of an image. This makes it great for creating mockups or design concepts.


  1. Unmatched realism - DeepFloydIF produces some of the most lifelike AI-generated images available. It's perfect for creating product visualizations or architectural renderings.
  2. Text generation - The model's ability to create readable text within images opens up many creative possibilities. You can easily make book covers, billboards, or user interface mockups.
  3. Fine control - DeepFloydIF allows for detailed prompts and image editing. You can guide the generation process to get exactly the result you want.
  4. Consistent quality - The iterative process helps ensure high-quality output, even for complex scenes or unusual prompts.

Limitations And Considerations:

  1. Slower generation - The trade-off for DeepFloydIF's quality is speed. It takes longer to generate images compared to some other models.
  2. Resource intensive - You'll need a powerful GPU to run DeepFloydIF smoothly, especially for larger images.
  3. Learning curve - Getting the best results requires understanding how to craft effective prompts and use the model's features.

✅ Choose If:

  • You need ultra-realistic images.
  • Text rendering in images is important.
  • You're willing to invest time for top-quality results.

❌ Don't Choose If:

  • You need rapid image generation.
  • You're working with limited computing power.
  • You prefer more stylized or abstract art.

How To Get Started:

DeepFloydIF is available through platforms like StabilityAI. This gives you easy access to the model without worrying about hardware requirements. Remember, DeepFloydIF shines with detailed prompts. Try describing your desired image in depth, including specifics about lighting, composition, and style.

5. Real Dream Pony V9 - Best For Stylized Anime And Cartoon Art

Features And Specs:


Image Quality

High for stylized art

Clarity And Detail

Sharp, focuses on key features

Style And Variety

Specialized in anime/cartoon styles

Speed And Efficiency

Fast, 3-5 seconds per image

Customization and Control

Good style control, character focus

Real Dream Pony V9 is a specialized AI model that excels at creating anime and cartoon-style images. It's built on the Stable Diffusion framework but has been fine-tuned on a massive dataset of stylized art.

This model understands the unique features of anime and cartoon art. It can create expressive characters, dynamic poses, and vibrant scenes that capture the essence of these styles. Real Dream Pony V9 is particularly good at rendering faces and character designs.

One cool feature is its ability to maintain consistency across multiple generations. This makes it great for creating character sheets or storyboards.


  1. Style mastery - Real Dream Pony V9 captures the essence of anime and cartoon art better than general-purpose models. It understands things like exaggerated expressions and stylized proportions.
  2. Character focus - The model excels at creating memorable characters. It's great for designing original characters or reimagining existing ones in new styles.
  3. Fast generation - You can quickly iterate on ideas, making it perfect for brainstorming sessions or rapid prototyping.
  4. Consistency - The model maintains style well across multiple images, which is crucial for creating cohesive art series or animations.

Limitations And Considerations:

  1. Limited realism - While great for stylized art, Real Dream Pony V9 isn't designed for photorealistic images.
  2. Niche focus - If you need a wide variety of art styles, a more general model might be better.
  3. Potential biases - The model may have picked up on common tropes or stereotypes in anime art. Be mindful of this when generating images.

✅ Choose If:

  • You create anime or cartoon-style art.
  • You need to design original characters quickly.
  • You're working on stylized storyboards or comics.

❌ Don't Choose If:

  • You need photorealistic images.
  • Your project requires a wide range of art styles.
  • You're uncomfortable with anime aesthetics.

How To Get Started:

Real Dream Pony V9 is available on Segmind. Here's how to get started:

  1. Create a Segmind account, open your dashboard, and just start testing and playing around with the tools.
  2. For instance, you can begin with simple character descriptions. For example: "A young wizard with spiky blue hair and a mischievous grin."
  3. Experiment with style keywords to explore different anime sub-genres.

Remember, this model works best when you're specific about character traits and emotions. Don't be afraid to get detailed in your prompts!

6. Fooocus - Best For Selective Image Editing And Enhancement

Features And Specs:


Image Quality

Matches input image quality

Clarity And Detail

Preserves original details well

Style And Variety

Adapts to input image style

Speed And Efficiency

Moderate, depends on edit size

Customization and Control

Precise control over edit areas

Fooocus is a specialized tool for editing and enhancing existing images. It allows you to selectively change parts of an image while keeping the rest intact. This model is built on advanced AI techniques that understand image context and can seamlessly blend new elements.

The key idea behind Fooocus is that you provide an input image and a mask. The mask shows which areas you want to change. You then give a text prompt describing what you want in those areas. The AI fills in the masked region, matching the style and context of the surrounding image.

This tool is incredibly useful for tasks like removing unwanted objects, changing backgrounds, or adding new elements to existing photos.


  1. Precise editing - You can make very specific changes to images without affecting other areas. This is great for touch-ups or creative alterations.
  2. Style matching - Fooocus is smart about matching the style of the original image. This helps your edits look natural and seamless.
  3. Creative freedom - You can easily experiment with different ideas by changing small parts of an image. It's like having an AI-powered eraser and paintbrush.
  4. Time-saving - Complex edits that might take hours in traditional photo editing software can be done in minutes with Fooocus.

Limitations And Considerations:

  1. Input dependence - The quality of your results depends a lot on the input image. Low-quality or very complex images can be challenging.
  2. Learning curve - Creating effective masks and prompts takes some practice to master.
  3. Unpredictability - Sometimes the AI might interpret your prompt in unexpected ways, requiring multiple attempts to get the desired result.

✅ Choose If:

  • You need to make selective edits to existing images.
  • You want to remove or replace objects in photos.
  • You're looking for a creative tool for image manipulation.

❌ Don't Choose If:

  • You primarily need to generate images from scratch.
  • You want full manual control over every pixel.
  • You're working with very large batch edits.

How To Get Started:

The Fooocus model is available through Segmind Serverless Cloud Platform. And there three versions of the of the Fooocus model each with its own speciality:

  • Fooocus - The core model that’s based on Stable Diffusion that helps you generate high-quality out-of-the-box images.
  • Fooocus Inpainting - This model stands out for its capability of selectively editing and improving images.
  • Fooocus Outpainting - This model simply enhances the images like portraits, expanding the background horizon to give a stunning and comprehensive effect.

Here's a quick guide to get started:

  1. Open Segmind and select Fooocus model of your choice.
  2. Upload your base image.
  3. Write a prompt describing what you want in the masked area.
  4. Generate and refine as needed.

Start with simple edits like changing the color of an object or removing a small element. As you get comfortable, try more complex tasks like adding entirely new objects to a scene.

7. Colossus Lightning SDXL - Best For Fast, High-Quality Image Generation

Features And Specs:


Image Quality

Very high, close to Stable Diffusion XL

Clarity And Detail

Excellent, handles complex scenes well

Style And Variety

Versatile, wide range of styles

Speed And Efficiency

Extremely fast, 1-2 seconds per image

Customization and Control

Good prompt control, speed vs. quality options

Colossus Lightning SDXL is a turbocharged version of the popular Stable Diffusion XL model. It's designed for blazing-fast image generation without sacrificing too much quality. This makes it perfect for applications that need to create many images quickly.

The model uses advanced optimization techniques to speed up the generation process. It can create images in just a couple of seconds, which is much faster than many other high-quality models. Despite this speed, the output quality is still impressive, often rivaling slower models.

Colossus Lightning SDXL understands a wide range of prompts and can generate images in various styles. It's particularly good at handling complex scenes with multiple elements.


  1. Lightning-fast generation - Create high-quality images in seconds. This is great for rapid prototyping or generating large batches of images.
  2. Quality at speed - Unlike some fast models that sacrifice quality, Colossus Lightning SDXL maintains impressive output even at high speeds.
  3. Versatility - The model handles a wide range of styles and concepts well. It's suitable for everything from photorealistic product images to fantasy art.
  4. Scalability - The speed of this model makes it practical to use AI image generation for larger projects or applications that need real-time results.

Limitations And Considerations:

  1. Quality trade-off - While the quality is very good, it may not match the absolute best results from slower models in every case.
  2. Resource intensive - To achieve its speed, Colossus Lightning SDXL needs powerful hardware. It's best used on high-end GPUs or cloud platforms.
  3. Less control - The emphasis on speed means you have fewer fine-tuning options compared to some other models.

✅ Choose If:

  • You need to generate many images quickly.
  • You're working on real-time or interactive applications.
  • You want a good balance of speed and quality.

❌ Don't Choose If:

  • You need the absolute highest quality for each individual image.
  • You prefer more manual control over the generation process.
  • You're working with limited computational resources.

How To Get Started:

Colossus Lightning SDXL is also available on Segmind's Serverless Cloud. Remember, this model works best when you need to create many images and test different styles. Try generating variations on a theme or creating a series of related images to see its full potential.

What Are AI Image Generation Models?

AI image generation models are smart computer programs that can create pictures from text descriptions. They're like digital artists that have learned from millions of images and can draw almost anything you describe.

Here's how they work:

When you give the model a text prompt, it breaks down your words into key concepts. Then, it uses its training to figure out what those concepts look like visually.

The model starts with a random noise pattern and gradually refines it into a clear image that matches your description.

These models have many benefits:

  1. Creativity boost - They can help artists and designers come up with new ideas quickly.
  2. Cost-effective - Creating custom images becomes much cheaper and faster.
  3. Accessibility - Anyone can make professional-looking images without advanced art skills.
  4. Flexibility - You can generate images for any purpose, from marketing to personal projects.

People use AI image models for all sorts of things:

  • Designers use them to mock up concepts quickly.
  • Writers use them to create book covers or illustrations.
  • Marketers use them to make eye-catching social media posts.
  • Game developers use them to generate textures and concept art.

These tools help by saving time, sparking creativity, and making high-quality visuals accessible to everyone. They're changing how we think about creating and using images in our daily lives and work.

How To Use AI Image Generation Models To Create Better Images?

Now that you know what AI image models are, let's talk about how to get the most out of them. Here are some tips to help you create amazing images:

  1. Use better prompts - The key to great AI images is in how you describe them. Be specific and detailed. Instead of "a cozy room," try "a warm living room with a crackling fireplace, comfy armchairs, shelves full of books, and a sleepy dog curled up on a fluffy rug. " The more details you give, the better the result.
  2. Experiment with styles - Most models let you add style keywords. Try adding things like "oil painting," "photorealistic," or "cartoon style" to your prompts. This can dramatically change how your image looks.
  3. Use negative prompts - Tell the model what you don't want in the image. For example, "No text, no humans in background" can help refine your results.
  4. Iterate and refine - Don't settle for the first image. Generate multiple versions and pick the best elements from each. You can often feed an image back into the model to improve specific parts.
  5. Combine models - Different models have different strengths. Try using one model for the base image and another for touch-ups or style transfer.
  6. Learn from the community - Join online forums or social media groups where people share their prompts and techniques. You'll pick up lots of great tips.
  7. Pay attention to composition - Even with AI, basic art principles matter. Think about things like the rule of thirds or color harmony in your prompts.
  8. Use post-processing - AI-generated images often benefit from a little touch-up. Learn some basic photo editing to take your images to the next level.
  9. Keep learning - AI image technology is evolving fast. Stay curious and keep trying new models and techniques as they come out.

Remember, the best way to improve is through practice. The more you use these tools, the better you'll get at creating exactly what you want.


What's The Difference Between Text-To-Image And Image-To-Image Models?

Text-to-image models create new images from text descriptions. Image-to-image models take an existing image and modify it based on text instructions. Both are useful, but for different tasks. Use text-to-image when you want to create something from scratch, and image-to-image when you want to edit or transform an existing picture.

Can AI Image Models Replace Human Artists?

AI models are tools that can help artists, not replace them. They're great for generating ideas or speeding up certain tasks, but they lack the creativity, emotion, and intent that human artists bring. Many artists are finding ways to incorporate AI into their workflow while still maintaining their unique vision.

How To Choose The Right AI Image Model For My Needs?

Consider what kind of images you want to create. If you need photorealistic images, models like Flux.1 or DeepFloydIF might be best. For stylized art, try Real Dream Pony V9. If speed is crucial, look at Colossus Lightning SDXL. Also, think about your technical skills and available resources. Some models are easier to use or require less powerful computers than others.

Final Thoughts

AI image generation is a great technology that's opening up new possibilities.

We covered a lot of different open-source AI image generation models so far. But out of all, here are our top three picks:

  1. Flux.1 for its exceptional image quality and versatility
  2. Stable Diffusion for its huge community and customization options
  3. Colossus Lightning SDXL for its impressive speed without sacrificing quality

When choosing a model, think about what matters most to you. Is it pure image quality? Speed? Ease of use? Or the ability to create very specific types of images? There's no single solution that would fit for every usage needs, so don't be afraid to test different options.

Ready to dive in and start creating your own AI-generated masterpieces? At Segmind, we offer all the latest and top AI models, along with custom workflow flexibility. Explore more now!